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Truck Weighing Scales, Concrete/RCC Truck Weigh Bridge, Dharm Kanta Manufacturers Exporters in India, #10209

Microtech Engg Company are manufacturers and exporters of weighing scales Equipments ranges from 300

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Address Fateh Avenue, Opp. Guru Arjun Dev School, Barth Sahib, Pathankot - 145025, Punjab INDIA

Listing Purpose: For Sale

Country: India

State: Punjab

City: Pathankot

Postal code: 145025

State: Punjab

Views Counter: 90


Rajiv Bhardwaj 99xxxxxx unhide mixxxxxx unhide

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Microtech Engg Company are manufacturers and exporters of weighing scales Equipments ranges from 300 gm capacity to 200 mt capacity. RCC Truck Weighing Scales, Concrete Truck Weighing Scales, Truck Weighing RCC / Concrete, Steel Truck Weighing Scales, Weighing Scales, Pit Type Truck Weighing Scales, Truck Weighing Scales with Pit, Truck Weighing Scale Pit Type, Pit Less Type Truck Weighing Scales, Truck Weighing Scales with Pit Less, Truck Weighing Scale Pit Less Type, Portable Truck Weighing Scales, Movable Truck Weighing Scales, Truck Weighing Portable, Filling & Packaging Machinery, Truck Dharm Kanta, Dharm Kanta, Truck Weight Machine, Truck Scales, Heavy Duty Truck Weigh Scale, Truck Weigh Scale, Truck Kanda, Truck Weigh Machine, Steel Truck Weighing Scale, Bench Weighing Scales, Counter Weighing Scales, Platform Weighing Scales, Jewellery Weighing Scales, Table Top Weighing Scales, Concrete Weigh Bridge, Portable Weigh Bridge, truck weigh bridge, heavy weight weigh bridge, heavy vehicle weight machine, dharamkanta, dharam kanta weigh scales, steel weigh bridge, Pitless Weighing Scales, Portable Mobile Truck Weighing Scales, RCC Concrete Weighing Scales, Crane weigh scales, Water Proof Weigh scales etc. Manufacturers Exporters in India Pathankot Punjab J&K +91-9915155468 +91-9149865879

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