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xxxxxx unhide

Solar Power, Renewable Energy Solutions Company India and USA, #3001

With an aim to become the lowest-cost power producer in the world, Azure power – a Solar Power Company – is on its way to power the world at a reduced cost.

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Address Saket, New Delhi - 110017

Listing Purpose: Services

Country: India

State: Delhi

City: New Delhi

Postal code: 110017

State: Delhi

Views Counter: 487


Azure +9xxxxxx unhide azxxxxxx unhide

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+91-11- 4940 9800
With an aim to become the lowest-cost power producer in the world, Azure power – a Solar Power Company – is on its way to power the world at a reduced cost.

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With an aim to become the lowest-cost power producer in the world, Azure power – a Solar Power Company – is on its way to power the world at a reduced cost. They are already selling solar power in India on a long-term fixed price contract at prices that are, in many cases, at or below current alternative rates. Since its inception, they have managed to significantly reduce Solar Power Plant Costs by innovating in the field of engineering, design and procurement efforts.

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